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Something is definitely going on worldwide and man-made "climate change" as official narrative is just a cover story.

What we have witnessed so far:

- red polar lights in southern Europe last week.
- volcanos erupting all over Europe.
- earth's magnetic north has migrated so far south it had never been recorded in its current latitude in recorded history.
- all the other planets in our solar system have been heating up driven by sun cycles over the last 3 decades.

Next step:
- Massive earthquakes, volcanos erupting all over the world, and the resulting tsunamis, daily solar storms, polar lights all around the world.

When this step happens it's time to fuck off on to the highest place you can find, ideally solid rock. If you live near a coast you're fucked even on the highest skyscraper.

When you're in the mountains, pray that the biblically large lightning strikes won't hit where you live, they created things like the big canyon on Mars, and probably the Grand canyon too, in one humongous plasma arc discharge.They will gouge giant scars into the earth and would be able to obliterate entire cities.

Humanity will survive, but nothing will ever be the same. Ancient civilizations tried to warn us, they were probably at the technological state of the roman Empire, if not early renaissance level. The Egyptian pyramids are a clock, a calendar. Sadly, we learned too late, even if we knew it, what should we do? The world would just fall into a giant panic, you can't prepare for something like that on a global level.

Where do you think are the safest places? How should we prepare before it's too late?

Oh by the way the next Solar maximum is between now and 2025, that's the highest risk for a massive CME aka Carrington event 2.0.

in Other by Master (35.2k points)

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2 Answers

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Meh ... enjoy what you can, endure what you must.
by Upcomer (819 points)
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BTW, can you cite any sources for your claims?
by Upcomer (819 points)
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Quite politely, this is not reddit, anyone can do basic research and look thinks up for themselves.
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but if you want palaces where to start from look up the "Diehold Foundation" and "Maverikstar reloaded" on youtube. The "Thunderbolts Project" is also a good resource on the subject