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I have Seen some HiddenAnswr pages.

On one of them there we're so many Questions

In Like 1 day, Here are only a few Questions in one day
in Technology & Crypto by Newbie (208 points)

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22 Answers

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Suprised people here don't remember the old hidden answers. Twas up for quite a few years until the owner got busy with their personal life and stuff so they shut it down.
by Newbie (204 points)
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I have Semaglutide, Retatrutide, Adipotide and more. All freeze dried in vials and ready for reconstitution. Priced to MOVE.
by Guest (113 points)
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There's no "real" "Hidden Answers", I'm an old moderator from the original site, as far as I know, no one from the administration of the original forums (in any language) was interested in resurrecting the site.

We all just continued with our lives, so, there's no cloned site with administration from the original site, let alone the original creator of the site, she hated having to managed it, it was even the reason why she closed the site.

And even me just comes to look what's happening once per year at max, now I don't use the deep web.

by Guest (141 points)
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I'm new here. I haven't figured it out yet.

what is the difference between a real and a fake forum?
How can you even fake it?
by Newbie (176 points)
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where can I find more forums like this?
by Guest (142 points)
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by Guest (139 points)
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I'm not sure
by Newbie (228 points)
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Well, are you saying this one is a fake one? If this is fake then what's real?
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Could it be that the forum is not real? Even if different forums have the same name, all forums that have active users are eligible.
I've seen forums with no people on them, just advertisements. I don’t think these are real forums. There is nothing to look for on such forums.
by Newbie (292 points)
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No. From what I have known, the real Hidden Answers was shutdown a few months ago.
by Newbie (290 points)
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there is not a real hidden answers site, a mod commented on this not so long ago
by Newbie (179 points)