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some years before War in Ukraine in russian clearnet someone tell not only about uranian missiles,even about uranian bullets.He tell then uranian bullets use by US rangers.
in Politics, wars, problems by Active (1.5k points)

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2 Answers

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how can you talk about such stupidity?
is this schizophrenia?

I can understand the meaning and purpose of uranium missiles if they carry a powerful enough charge.
But what is the point of a uranium bullet?
Think about it, this is pointless. Or are you a complete idiot?

The bullet either hit the person or not. If not, uranium will not harm anyone. If it hits, the person is already hit by the bullet itself.

If you mean to cause additional damage, such as poisoning...
It is much easier and more profitable to do this not with a bullet, but with the help of a massive release of matter using one of the available methods, of which there are a lot.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
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Well no shit the whole thing was set up by Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken with the help of their jew plant Zelensky and their insider Kolomoyskyi, on behalf of NATO. So yes Ukrainians use NATO hardware.
by Master (35.2k points)
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And NATO shit ass