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Imagine a situation in which you have to make a choice. Let's say you're being held hostage by terrorists.
And you need to choose one of the leaders of the country whom they will kill.
They do it. But the choice must be made by you. You can't win.

Tell me, who would you choose?
Who do you think should die?
in Politics, wars, problems by Experienced (10.0k points)

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21 Answers

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No visible country leader matters, they are all puppets, and the same goes of most major corporation heads, all of the managerial classes are irrelevant and only meant to give the populace of different countries a semblance of leadership and cohesion. All the rest is divide and conquer and bread and circuses.

If you want to cut the head of the snake you have to locate the Wizard of Oz and this is tricky.

That being said I cannot fuckin stand Macron.
by Master (35.2k points)
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Who is a snake head? Any ideas? Actually it's looks like conspiracy. Like you farted and all other people should say what a delicious parfume.
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It is a conspiracy and using the term conspiracy to dismiss it is like saying I'll chop off my dick to fuck with it.
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Well, if you think about yourself and your interests, then there is no point in killing anyone. It is unlikely that anything will fundamentally change for me personally.
If we think about the interests of civilization and human society, then it would be worth killing or replacing more than half of all leaders.
by Active (2.4k points)
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literally putin. someone needs to assasinate him asap
by (73 points)
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no leader has personally hurt me, but probably putin, kim jong un, adolf hitler, other assholes in history
by Active (1.8k points)
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Prolly putin. all that war makes no sense
ago by Newbie (204 points)
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hey, do you really think that the reason for the war in Ukraine is Putin? If I sympathize with you so much, man, you really don't understand what's going on in the world.
The world is in the ass, we are going through a global crisis, the conflict in Ukraine is just a small episode of this crisis. Look to the East, pay attention to Israel, think about the domestic political positions in the USA, think in parallel about North Korea and China.

Putin? is to blame for everything? If you think so, you are just an idiot.
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by Newbie (209 points)
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Israel. Palestine. Russia. Ukraine. USA. Great Britain. France. Poland. ...
And many others
Everyone who participates in and supports armed conflicts.
by Active (2.8k points)
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this won't solve the problem. this will create new conflicts and problems.
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Killing the leader of any country will not solve humanity's problems. People are very greedy and cruel. And no one knows how to fix it.
by Experienced (5.3k points)
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100% spot on, it's all about figuring out what is the best outcome for everyone.
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We must destroy the leaders of all countries where there is no freedom and democracy! A government that supports the suppression of women and the fight against homosexuality is evil!
by Newbie (385 points)
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We must kill everyone who is against a civilized society. Everyone who interferes with democracy and free personality!

All Arab countries and Muslims. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Emirates
To hell with China and Korea too. And of course Russia!
by Newbie (415 points)