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Let's discuss the possible outcomes for the EU and Europe in general and the seeming downward spiral it has gotten itself into. Major issues that come to mind is the disastrous economic impact that the covid measures have had on the continent, which now it seems like the general consensus is that such a reaction was greatly exaggerated for the threat level that the pandemic presented. This has had a cascade impact on what has always been considered Europe's financial Engine which is Germany and to a lesser extent France and the Netherlands.

Furthermore, the EU has all the more been disastrously weakened with the energy crises created by the conflict in Ukraine and the mostly virtue signaling stance the EU has taken in this conflict. The EU servile backing of a questionable ally  rather than concentrating on helping to end the conflict quickly to stabilise the regional neighbourhood. Namely the US has been outed as having orchestrated the destruction of the Northstream pipeline, the effects of which has only benefited the US so far and the consequences of this action by an ally is potentially going to have unimaginable consequences for Europe in the near future, especially as winter creeps in and energy reserves dwindle.

Secondly the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigration, coupled with the intake of millions of refugees (especially from Ukraine) and the constant stream of legal immigration to make up for the ever diminishing birthrates and spike in death rates in recent years. This (especially the illegal aspect) has been aggravated by the conflicts in Libya, Syria, Ukraine and is bound to worsen given the current situation in the Middle East. Once certain sections of the foreign populations rise beyond 5% - 6% within the host populations, perceptible and quantifiable issues will continue to increase exponentially. Recent examples of this are the violent riots that happened in France and Belgium, apart from the steep crime rate increase ascribed to the same recently acquired demographic. This also has the potential to shortly escalate tensions because of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Another serious threat that ties into the previous one is terrorism which is bound to make a massive comeback all across the EU, especially in those countries that are hosting most Muslim immigrants. This coupled with the funneling-back of illegal weapons that were initially sent to Ukraine in "aid" of their conflict but instead have ended up in the weapons black market. It doesn't take a lot of prediction powers to see where this weapons blunder will lead. It was almost done in a hysteria of weapon's dumping into Ukraine without foresight or monitoring of whether these weapons were actually reaching the conflict front. As a aside note, as soon as the conflict started in 2022 90% of the world's main weapons dealers flocked to Kiev and many of these just so happen to be Israeli. EU officials have no clue where the bulk of those "donated" US Stinger and UK ATGMs (and small arms) ended up. It's true that much of this hardware was obsolete and not of much use in the conflict but in the wrong hands in a civilian context would be a totally different ball game.

These are just a few of the main issues that the EU should start to take seriously and address rather than virtue signal and prancing around to gain brownie points from the Zoged US liberals. EU heads are weak and ineffective puppets at this point. The presidents of the EU Parliament and EU Commission, Roberta Metsola and Ursula von der Leyen should have no say in EU foreign policy because that is the EU Council's turf. Treating two very similar conflict situations (Ukraine and Israel) with diametrically opposed reactions is making the EU look like amature clowns to say the least and if I can see this anyone can see it. In the long run on the present course the EU, if it doesn't disintegrate under the weight of its incompetence, will in the least become an insignificant player on the world-stage as the power-base shifts to the East. 

Are there any possible solutions to get out of this quagmire for Europe or is it already over? What are your thoughts?

in Politics, wars, problems by Master (35.2k points)

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2 Answers

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History shows that events often develop unpredictably. It could be anything.

But why do you think so? Do most European countries have a completely different official position?

That's how they think in Russia. This is the Russian version, isn't it? Bro, are you from Russia?
by Experienced (10.0k points)
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lol not even close but I follow Russian moves closely. What is being pushed in the EU's mainstream narrative doesn't quite represent the current sentiment of the local endemic populations even after having been battered by two world wars.

Before the shit show with Ukraine and since the fall of the Iron Curtain (and ridding of the drunken puppet that was Yeltsin) the Russians have been trying to make amends with the west but the West's sole intent since the 80s has always been to break it up into small manageable pieces with the excuse of democratisation, globalisation and the whole cultural-Marxist works... Look into Antony Blinken's (current US Secretary of State) doctoral theses "America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis The Russians', back in the 80s, he and the group he represents were already laying the groundwork for the Ukrainian conflict.

...and no, from a good vantage point, nothing is really unpredictable. These powers do not like to leave things up to chance ever. Everything is planned out decades ahead, sometimes centuries and predictive programming "public broadcasts" are issued years beforehand. It's all hidden in plain sight if you look close enough and keep in view the bigger picture.

The Russians know full well what is really happening at the moment, beyond the fog of war that is being created by the subversive elements still in power in the West and they are the jester in the deck at the moment. The only thing the globalist/communist powers that are scheming behind the scenes fear the most is a cooperation between the West and Russia. By the way Russia technically is Asian because Slavs are racially Asian-derived, but share more commonalities culturally with the west then with the far East and it's neighbour China.

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Bumping this one too because I want to see more reactions about it.
by Master (35.2k points)