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When I say average western woman I inherently mean those with a progressive bent which seem to be the majority of working age women. I am not trying to offend anyone, just sparking some constructive debate around whether the sexual market value of a woman depreciates after each consecutive sexual partner. That's what I believe at least.

The more mileage the less chance one has at having a successful long term relationship with that woman, which more often than not is damaged goods early on and just trying to compensate.

This metric doesn't apply as much for men because most men only get to see pussy in porn, only the top 1-2% of adult males actually have different female partners on a regular basis. To clarify fuckboys are also damaged goods.
in Politics, wars, problems by Master (35.2k points)

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2 Answers

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honestly, i think we as a society have damaged women all together. we dont value sex we see it as an object... we basically say " ill just use my toy.. its less of a headache" but in reality we as a whole took out the meaning and intentions behind sex. sensual energy xchange. that is what its all about exachanging energy with someone... to be pounded by 100 different men to me basically tells exactly what we have done to the woman... we have made her feel worthless... when a woman has a lower body count she hasnt exchanged her energy very much and thats what makes her more attractive IMO and what i look for... regardless of what she says... energy doesnt lie
by Newbie (271 points)
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I broadly agree. My only point of contention is the "we" you use. This is bullshit. Women got manipulated, used and abused by high profile interest groups controlled by the usual suspects. They got lured into the trap that led to women voting rights and their votes leading directly to the problems they face in western so called democratic societies today. Don't get me wrong I'm all for females to be able to pursuit of happiness, I just believe that their core biological imperative was derailed with sophistry but it always catches up with them (and society at large) in the long run.

I don't want to pontificate, just look into what Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud, look into his "torches of freedom" and propaganda techniques) and sick in the membrane feminists like Margaret Sanger (absolute racist and woman hater if there ever was one).
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i wont disagree to some extent i take no respondsibility of this corruption however im a functioning member of society so its only right that i realize to ignore an issue makes u a part of the problem. i agree with u when u say the got lured into the traps of western society, now they are being question if having a vagina makes u a woman or not...
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As an addendum to my comment above, head to James Lindsay's channel on youtube called new discourses and you will find plenty of solid arguments about this issue. Also look into Stefan Molyneux. He is a self-styled modern philosopher that has tons of arguments on this issue. He is Jewish but he never gave me the feeling he's pushing a progressive agenda, infact his youtube got nuked during the 2020 purges because he was being too truthful for the controllers' tastes.
by Master (35.2k points)