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I have all the digits of the digit cards like all of them ( 16 digits , cvv , exp , ... ) , How can i cashout the money or use the money any app ? or something
in Other by Guest (123 points)

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2 Answers

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you just need to buy something. and then sold.
by Upcomer (804 points)
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How can i get the ccv from credit card
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if you have the credit card number you should be fine, I've personally never done this but ccv numbers are usually 3 digit numbers, so in theory you could try bruteforcing using every 3 digit number from 001 - 999 (however if its a 4 digit number you would have to go with 0001 - 9999), expiration date is the same as well, brute force the month and year and till it works lol.
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bitcoin is a great way to cash out money because by common knowledge, bitcoin transactions and payments can't be traced (so make a bitcoin account), however there is a possible risk of being able to trace a transaction from the blockchain.
by Guest (114 points)