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send me legit carding sites i was going to do this but apparently people said it was a scam https://kcn476k7pcqkhx7rji7nofiibkoqw3t5z2ybqssqvlez2zxrpfarhyid.onion.jump.black/  me and my friend are going to try to get our only money and try to get this money and if it doesnt work im just going to kill myself because I dont really see a point in living im failing my first year of highschool and my mom even told me to do it
ago in Other by Upcomer (562 points)

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1 Answer

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Brother your just 15. you shouldnt be thinking of money just yet.And fuck your mom, fuck the past generation that couldnt raise us properly, Focus on yourself and be better then them.... raise your children better then your parents raised you. And for the issue of school, dont worry. Failiur is part of the process, just have patience and slow down. If you need help for your school works just dm.
ago by Newbie (182 points)