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What do you guys think of Green Snack hacker? Is it legit ? I need to get my snapchat account back if someone can recommend a real hacker. I tried contacting Xhacker but no reply since 2 weeks.

Green snack hack : greeahi5i5e534rhqsh3xjf7x3dsjlgxdwep2tjhe7iuhkd4ccut2sid.onion.jump.black
in Markets & commercial by Guest (128 points)

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4 Answers

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He is not a real hacker. I think he is some school kid who is good at programming and decided to make money by scamming. But he never learned how to hack anything.
If you need real professionals who will do everything cleanly, use this link. https://z4odvem6l3vzjkw4dd43gffpjqianwizjjhwgmmqc2z36wtdguxvssid.onion.jump.black/
This is an incredibly cool hacker, I don't know if he will take your order, he does not work with everyone. Be prepared for him to check you before talking to you.
And yes, his price is high, but believe me, it is justified.
by Newbie (310 points)
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Tell me. Could he make me a good credit history? I'm on the blacklist of all banks.
1 like 0 dislike
Most hackers on the darknet are not really hackers, but scammers. Most likely, this is also
by Upcomer (804 points)
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A good hacker charges a lot for his services.
by Newbie (423 points)
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It is unlikely that you will be able to find a real hacker in the dark on your own. Ask the professionals: https://ujuwmruw3oigvkduluihusrvan4qqhrrpud5xqqkp67zojcd3ko5blyd.onion.jump.black
by Experienced (8.2k points)