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i am new to dark web i want to buy some gift cards i found out this website on youtube with good comments called gift cards mafia - https://ehmkba2om52lvxmw4gbolohm5rwigkoaq5mdhibsdkq2ou3o6jt2zwqd.onion.jump.black/ can any one tell me please is it a legit site or not it will help me. i don't want to ruin my all money. please help me thanks.
in Markets & commercial by Newbie (210 points)

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6 Answers

4 like 0 dislike
You're losing all your money man, it's a scam
by Upcomer (510 points)
3 like 0 dislike
It's difficult, I haven't met him before
by Upcomer (511 points)
3 like 0 dislike
I dont know,there are some good reviews for Amazon Warrior
by Guest (118 points)
2 like 1 dislike
I decided to try to place an order using escrow (Multi-escrow, which my friend and I had already tried). The seller refused me and said that it was not a real escrow!
Well, considering that I had already tried this escrow and knew for sure that it worked, I have only one conclusion - this seller is a scammer.
by Upcomer (510 points)
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do you know any other site for gift cards.
0 0
Amazon warriors, dude, I ordered.
0 0
Is it real.can we convert gc to bitcoin.And how much time it took for you
1 like 0 dislike
it's quite obvious that this is a scammer
by Experienced (10.0k points)
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Yeah, that's definitely crap. If you want gift cards, use Amazon Warriors, that's the only legit site I know.
by Upcomer (616 points)