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I need a website where you can type in first and last names and get results about their family, and other stuff too. It can be on the dark web or the surface web. I just want information where you don't have to pay because every website says you have to pay.
in Other by Guest (122 points)

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1 Answer

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I don't think such sites exist. I even doubt that such a service can exist for money. Such information can only be in a limited circle of people in secret services. Even if someone hacked and managed to steal the data, it is doubtful that they would sell it as a service.
by Active (2.4k points)
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That's okay. I was just curious. I'll search myself. Follow-up question: How do I hack on the dark web? Do you have any suggested websites? I can't find any links. I'm still new, that's why I'm asking a lot of questions.