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Hello, I need your help to save my father life. He need to do bypass surgery and I don't have enough money for that it's cost goes $6K I only have 2K I need to make $4K anyone can help me to save his life please! God bless

If you send me a $1 btc it's a value for me

in General information by Newbie (176 points)

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3 Answers

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It's a sad story, but hardly anyone will believe it.
by Active (2.4k points)
0 0
I'm not lie.  I do job but they didn't pay for me enough. Do you know legit marketplace buy skrill dollar or WU transfer. I don't like to try it because i don't have enough money to pay for scammers. I need to save father life.
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glory to ukraine!!!!!
by Newbie (422 points)
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This reminds me of those beggar gypsies holding up pictures of babies while their cousins try to pick-pocket you from behind but stupider.
by Master (35.2k points)
0 0
Do you know legit marketplace buy skrill dollar or WU transfer.