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hello, im looking for a way to make money , it seems cloned cards are the best way here...

but after buying cloned cards how should i use it or where ?

can i use it to buy crypto online ? if so any help please
in Other by Guest (129 points)

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8 Answers

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cc is a good way to earn money , almost ever seller will give u guide how to use cc safely and how to withdrawal money.

u can buy crypto using any method

be careful from scammers and keep shearing ur experience on this forum
by Expert (24.5k points)
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do some digging in the old treads, all this has been covered before
by Master (35.2k points)
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I am also studying this topic, I would like to find a reliable way to earn extra money. As I understand it, cloned cards are a great option, but there is a risk, as there are many scammers. I would like to hear from real people how this happens. Who bought cloned cards?

Here I found a topic, a lot of useful tips
by Newbie (292 points)
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One of the most popular methods is card cloning. There are others such as PayPal, prepaid cards, gift cards, counterfeit money or buying match fixing and sports betting.
Each path has its own advantages and disadvantages, risks, and most importantly, we must remember that there are a lot of scammers in each of these areas.
Look into it, do your research, and choose the option that's right for you. This forum has a lot of information and advice from experienced users, and there are many other information platforms.
Good luck, take care of yourself.
by Active (2.4k points)
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The most reliable and safest way is a cloned card or PayPal account. Nothing complicated, just follow the instructions. Everything else is a little more complicated... requires additional investment of effort and money, and some skills.
Look here, this is a verified seller. https://fugaijr6sx4eo3siplh44qkp5foav6eu3vv2bzztxanzu3ko74wcx3ad.onion.jump.black
by Experienced (5.3k points)
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I'm not an expert and I'm also looking for something similar. I've done a little research, but I'm not sure I understand everything correctly yet.
I think it's better not to use a cloned card online, it's safer to just withdraw cash. And for purchasing cryptocurrency, prepaid cards or a PayPal account are best suited.
Maybe I'm wrong, well... I'm just learning
by Upcomer (804 points)
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withdraw cash
by Upcomer (511 points)
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Did you buy a cloned card? I'm going to do it too. If you did, please share your experience.
by Newbie (370 points)