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I am new here and I was looking for adult videos and i stumbled across CP -- am i at risk
in Sex and shit by Guest (121 points)

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8 Answers

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You can bring up this argument that it was accidentally, you have good chances to go with this, since as long as it isn't evident that you were explicitly searching for CP, they will have to proof that you wanted it. This should work in most countries because the police needs to proof that you're guilty and not you that you aren't but it depends on how believable it is that it was accidentally.
by Upcomer (696 points)
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don't worry, you're not. Anyway, it's an anonymous browser. You can only be at risk if you tell someone your personal information or download a file from an unverified source. Perhaps you can use a VPN for greater anonymity, although Tor has a built-in
by Newbie (281 points)
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no , dont worry it was a just an accident , if ur trying to find 18+ porn u can watch this on clear net as well
by Expert (24.5k points)
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by Newbie (290 points)
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by Guest (132 points)
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That's how it starts
by Newbie (264 points)
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you will be fine... stop watching porn
by Master (35.2k points)
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sorry what is CP?
by Newbie (201 points)