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Site forgets User Names, loses Passwords, doesn't accept correct Captcha.

It's as if they have no interest in anyone actually being able to enter!

in Other by Newbie (173 points)

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6 Answers

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which specific site ur facing this problem ?
by Expert (24.5k points)
1 0
u need to contact site admin there is a problem in captcha system
1 like 0 dislike
for me it works fine, the captcha is kinda weird but it works
by (78 points)
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If this was a nifty way to lure new users, you got me.
I signed up, with no idea what the place even was. After I figured out how to solve the captcha, I was in, thank you for the question, I would have never found this place.
by Guest (148 points)
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Fill out the Dark Forest captcha correctly. If your username is already in use, change your username and register first. Then, you shouldn't face any issues.
by Newbie (303 points)
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What is this anyway? Was anyone inside? What's there?
by Upcomer (756 points)
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never had any issue to log on the site
by Master (35.2k points)