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I live in Ukraine and support our army.
We fight for rights and freedoms all over the world, we fight for democracy!!!!
We will stop the fascists coming to Europe, and we will destroy all of you if we don't stop them!

Help the people of Ukraine!!!! You have no right to remain indifferent!

Raise the rallies!!! NATO must send troops to Ukraine! Otherwise we will all be destroyed!!
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (422 points)

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6 Answers

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i cant help u even i want to
by Expert (24.5k points)
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Hey friend, you can support us with money, it will be your contribution to history. Tell me in what currency it is convenient for you to make a donation, I will send you a payment address
3 like 2 dislike
Fuck Ukraine and fuck NATO, fuck your democracy.

What value has a country that can't defend itself?

I'm not from Russia or Ukraine, I'm from western Europe, and I can tell you, what you are bagging for is shit. Democracy is shit and being in the NATO and EU is shit.

And no, Russia won't destroy all of us, they will destroy whoever tries to stay against them? But what has anyone in history ever done different when invading countries? That's what you do. Certainly Russia will kill who tries to fight against it, but certainly it won't kill who supports them. No one would do this, because they would lower their own chances of victory for no reason. Maybe they will kill you, because you fought against them, but not whoever supported them and most likely also no one neutral.

What you say is nothing other than stupid propaganda, you haven't even brought up any real arguments.

I hope Russia wins against Ukraine soon.
by Upcomer (696 points)
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And what would you say if Russia were at war with your country?
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I would hope it would free me from the shitty ideology and useless system in my country.
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You think russian ideology is better?
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you're just a stupid bastard, go to hell. Glory to Ukraine!
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you should be grateful to us that you are still alive and can safely eat your hamburger. Only thanks to the Ukrainians are you still breathing, bitches
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I absolutely belief the Russian ideology is better than this western European shit
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The American bastards eat hamburgers not the Europeans, at least not these who aren't pro-American idiots. And the only thing we in western Europe can "thank" Ukraine for is that we have to send money and weapons because you're not able to win on your own and for the inflation of oil and fuel prices.

Your stupid country has no value at all, not for western Europe and not for anyone else in the world. Ukraine is useless as shit, hopefully Russia will soon erase the Ukrainian scum from this earth
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russias economy is so shit right now, and what do u prefer the soviet union to your European government? that is so stupidd. name one communist regime that was succesful. you should be grateful that u have freedom and that u arent at war with anyone and can live in peace. if russia wins ukraine, it will be a disaster for other eastern european countries, who knows what russia might do next. do u really prefer a world where there is war and where you need to worry about being invaded?
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I'd prefer war over this system here. And the problem is that freedom and tolerance make the people week here and this is a problem for the country and later also the people. I prefer soviet union over this, china is ruled by the communist party and is successful, Russia is still second after USA so it also wasn't destroyed by the fall of soviet union. And the economy of some of our countries is far worse than Russia's, Germany made negative numbers last year, many other countries barely have advanced, so our economy is going down ass shit right now here in western Europe
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I really hope the situation gets better
by Active (1.8k points)
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I feel for the Ukrainians. The only way to restore it is rounding up all the jews in the country that have brought the country to the situation. Starting from Zelensky, Kolomoisky and all the rest that have have a part in setting up the country for destruction like Nuland. Ukraine has no place in NATO, it should be the buffer between the West and the East.
by Master (35.2k points)
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First, Palestine was attacked and oppressed, and now they are being helped. It's good that Israel should be completely destroyed.
by Newbie (303 points)
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You're right, brother. and everyone who does not support Ukraine has no right to be considered a European... these are barbarians who support the bloody Moscow regime. Everyone who is against Ukraine should be slaughtered like pigs
by Newbie (415 points)
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If you're European or not depends on your passport and you're genetics, and I'm likely more European than you are...