12 like 2 dislike
I have been checking sites and exposing scammers for a long time.
I want to continue my activities, there are still many unverified sites. This is costing me a lot.

Now I really need financial support.
I ask everyone to consider making a donation, any amount you can.

In response, I will share with you the result of my work.
I have accumulated over 70 sites with fraudulent links and only a few legitimate links among them.

I will send this information to you by email, which you indicate in your reply to this topic.

Thanks everyone for your help. We can only win if we unite.

in Markets & commercial by Advanced (3.2k points)

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11 Answers

5 like 0 dislike
Please, I sent you a $20 donation and I'd really like to see your list.
by Upcomer (671 points)
0 0
reply if you got the list
5 like 0 dislike
Why don't you just post your list here and help a lot of people. I think that grateful people will be found and will transfer you a donation.
by Active (2.5k points)
3 like 0 dislike
Good luck bro
by Upcomer (804 points)
2 like 0 dislike
You are doing the right thing, this is a useful thing. As soon as I have money, I will definitely send you a donation.
by Newbie (329 points)
1 like 0 dislike
contact me maybe we can make a deal
by Expert (24.5k points)
1 like 0 dislike
Hmm, interesting... if that's true, then you did a great job. But why did you decide to ask for help now?
by Newbie (184 points)
1 like 0 dislike
I'd like to see your list, I've made mistakes too many times.
by Newbie (424 points)
1 like 0 dislike
hey dude, looks like you didn't get the best support here. Too bad, I think you're doing the right thing and a good thing.

How are you doing? Are you continuing your activities?
by Upcomer (820 points)
1 like 0 dislike
That's not how donation works. You should publish the list of links and then ask for donation. This is just selling something with no guarantee.
by Newbie (161 points)
1 like 1 dislike
by Newbie (169 points)