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related to an answer for: Is this store scam or not?
in Markets & commercial by Guest (126 points)

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3 Answers

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Dude, I was looking for a reliable seller for a very long time, losing money, but in the end I found it. I don’t know, maybe there are others, but it seems to me that this is generally the only legit seller on the darknet at the moment. https://e57dsnznsfxgmtuvm5zpm7qqcjexylyky3fgl55muaqf3r2xjifshkad.onion.jump.black
by Upcomer (541 points)
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Yes, that's exactly the link! Don't confuse the link, there are clones of this site that are scammers!
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I will pay 120 euros and in return I will receive 200 counterfeit euros?
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€50 х 4 = 60% = €120 total
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I believe that buying counterfeit money is a dangerous activity. This affects state interests, which means he will be more strictly controlled and more likely to be caught.
PayPal accounts or cloned cards are another matter; the police and intelligence services don't care about such matters
by Upcomer (820 points)
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There won't be any problems if you don't do anything stupid and follow the rules.
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Guttenberg Print. I buy dollars, but they also have euros
by Newbie (246 points)