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Hello friends! I'm very glad I found this community. I really hope that you can help me. I'm new and looking to buy PayPal accounts. Tell me how to do this?
Does anyone have experience with PayPal?
in Markets & commercial by Newbie (342 points)

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23 Answers

6 like 0 dislike
Hey uhh... I hope I wasn't too late but especially if you're new to this, my first word of advice is to not trust any of these people telling you to hop on telegram. They will try to make you pay them bitcoin as fast as possible...
by Active (1.2k points)
3 0
thanks dude! But it seems too late =((((
2 1
Friend, what advice can you give?
1 0
buy from trusted darknet sites, the best ones i know are onion multishop, astarichon, ccpp shop, cardhouse, black and white. these are the ones i know of
6 like 0 dislike
Check the "HOT!" category and check for yourself; there are a good amount of paypal account sellers there. Use your best judgement as to which markets are legit.
by Active (1.2k points)
6 like 0 dislike
I think the main question is not how to buy, but where to buy.
by Newbie (217 points)
6 like 0 dislike
It's quite easy and safe. In addition, there are quite a few reliable suppliers. Good luck.
by Experienced (8.2k points)
6 like 0 dislike
I sell cloned cards and PayPal accounts inexpensively.
Anyone interested, write to me in private messages.
by Active (1.4k points)
6 like 0 dislike
Please tell me, will this be considered cheating and will it harm anyone if I buy a PayPal account?

Tell me, have you found where to buy? Could you please give me a hint. where is the best place to do this?
May God protect you.
by Upcomer (756 points)
6 like 1 dislike
darknet is full of scams please dont buy anything if you're no t sure, i recently got scammed by torbuy and empire market
by Guest (117 points)
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Hey, I was curious, you had mentioned Empire Market, was it duplicate site or was it this site run by this email: marketsupport@firemail.cc in the link?


5 like 0 dislike
use anonymous secure email to order
by Newbie (209 points)
6 like 2 dislike
Id love to help you. What's your telegram?
by Guest (126 points)
5 like 1 dislike
Just like many of you here who learned about the deep web and logically also with the possibility of market services, just like many of you here I just lost money and fell into the trap of many scammers with recommendations in comments from others. I asked myself what to believe. is every market place a scam? after quite demanding and research for me, I came to the opinion that 80% of market services are fake scam or duplicate sites of their original. for the final detection, including screens proving the authenticity of the site, I offer a LIST OF RELIABLE MARKET PLACES, the price for this survey is very low (10USD/0.00015BTC ) write in private messages EMAIL and REQUEST (PP CC PC) I check every 3 hours after first blockchain confirmation i directly send to you
by Newbie (179 points)
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