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ISIS is CIA/Mossad and British intelligence. Maximizing civilian casualties is an Anglo-Saxon covert ops strategy. There was serious advance planning. The recent visit to n.10 in London by Obama, the announcement of cancer in a pale makeup princess who had been missing for 3 months, Nuland's threats of Russia to receive a nasty surprise when she resigned from her position (as defacto president of Ukraine), warnings from American embassies that it was necessary to avoid crowds in Moscow due to threats of terrorism. All clues and smoke screens. The usual suspects. Ukraine has already committed numerous acts of terrorism to please its Western patrons, but the act at Crocus City Hall on the 22nd was conceived far away. Also the day the terrorist act was committed is smack in the middle of Purim one of the most important Jewish celebrations which is always related to sacrifice. And this is all on top of Russia vetoing the US "ceasefire" plans for gaza because they were nonspecific in the timeframe of the ceasefire and also tried to weasel in some clause about arbitrarily accepting the israel narrative of sexual violence on october 7 and giving them somewhat of an out when it came to the genocide conviction at the ICJ. It is the kikes meddling on behalf of the old elites to trigger WW3.
in Politics, wars, problems by Master (35.2k points)

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4 Answers

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you did a very good interpretation

i think what the CIA (ISIS) did in moscow is a clear threat and call to the christian power in the world to wake them up not fall for the Arabs and stop supporting them as in national courts etc..

in France theres been terror threat also and theres an obvious destination to point the finger against muslims again in order to keep supporting Israel and Mossad killing palestinians and watch away what is happening there..

with a new election in the USA and a spread of terror in europe or the US isreal is planning to be able to keep on the genocide in palestine

by Guest (112 points)
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Yes I agree, but my guess is the collective west's "leadership" is just playing tough. In a hot conflict situation against either Russia or China most NATO countries wouldn't last 2 months, unlike Ukraine. And Ukraine was the best NATO could muster unofficially, their official armies are shit in their current state while the Russians are battle hardened and have had plenty of practice by now after Syria, Libya and Ukraine. On the other hand the Chinese are itching to cross swords with NATO. This is the global financial elite's plan from the start and the Ashkenazi jews will be thrown under the bus when shit hits the fan.
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As far as I know, there is information that the Islamic State was involved in what happened in Moscow. Isn't that right?
by Upcomer (660 points)
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It's a well known fact that ISIS is a front actor for the CIA and MOSAD. Look into Zbignieu Brezinzski of Mc Cain's involvements in its precursor's formation (Al Qaeda). Not much of a secret the attack in Russia as CIA written all-over it.
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i am googling it
by Expert (24.5k points)
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Maybe the Russians themselves organized all this?
by Upcomer (804 points)