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in Other by Newbie (184 points)

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4 Answers

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What is the business you are looking for the investors.

What is the business plan? What is the ROI rate and timelines? What is the estimated size of the market you are addressing? Do that market gets easily impacted by inflation or stable?

The most important thing is is the business legit or not?

Without these kind of information, your post title only will get this much attention.

Wish you best of luck on your search.
by Active (1.6k points)
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Hello. I am involved in investing.
I must tell you that with this approach you will never find an investor.

It’s not at all clear what you’re proposing.
What to invest in? What project? What business model? Expected return? Market research?
Do you think they will give you money just because you know the word investment?
by Experienced (8.2k points)
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I'm ready to invest lets go ;)
by Newbie (296 points)
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more info man, this is useless
by Master (35.2k points)