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I built a small business.
I received my first order.
The buyer requires the transaction to be completed through escrow.
In general, I agree with him, I would also like everything to go safely and the buyer to be satisfied.

But the fact is that none of us knows a reliable escrow service.

Please, help!

I see there are a lot of people here with experience and knowledge about the dark web.

Which service is better to use?
in Other by Upcomer (531 points)

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8 Answers

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MulticoinEscrow has proven to be reliable.

by Newbie (194 points)
0 0
I used this. I confirm that you can trust him.
Very high quality service!
1 0
Thank you!
I suggested this option to the buyer, and he agreed. There will be a deal today.
I will write later about the result.
Thanks again.
0 0
Everything went well! Thank you very much for your recommendation. My client and I were very pleased.
0 0
hey i have a question. how long did it take for them to register your escrow as funded? i paid hours ago but it still says not funded...
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how long did it take for them to register your escrow as funded? i paid hours ago but it still says not funded...
6 like 0 dislike
I don't know of any legit escrow services.
I'd like to know too. This is very important and will help secure any transaction. If I could find a reliable escrow service, I would definitely order items from many of the sites talked about here.

But I definitely know several fraudulent escrow services.
This is absolutely true, since I myself lost money on them.
These are scammers, be careful!

Umbrella Escrow
Trusted Bitcoin Escrow
by Active (1.9k points)
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thanks for the warning
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Thank you!
2 like 0 dislike
Thank you all very much for your help and support.
I got what I wanted.
To receive payment from the client, I used the MulticoinEscrow service.
Here is the real link: http://multicoinescrow.com/
You recommended him to me.
The service has shown its reliability. After the buyer received the delivery, I received my money. Everyone is happy.
Thank you very much and good luck!
by Upcomer (531 points)
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Thanks bro, this is important
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What are you selling?
by Newbie (343 points)
1 0
I'm a little afraid to talk about it openly. I will write to you in private messages.
1 like 0 dislike
Please write about the result.
If you have tried any escrow service, please share your experience with us.

It will be useful. Thank you.
by Experienced (8.2k points)
1 like 0 dislike
I'm also looking for escrow. Who knows?
by Active (2.4k points)
0 like 0 dislike
is this still working? multicoinescrow you are talking about??
by Newbie (424 points)
1 like 3 dislike
You can find one legit on dread called FairTrade.
by Guest (149 points)
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This is a fucking scammer!
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I've heard a lot of negative things about it