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The war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza are necessary wars! They are needed to destroy the garbage of this earth.
in Politics, wars, problems by Active (1.6k points)

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9 Answers

2 like 0 dislike
I think you're a shitty person
by Experienced (5.3k points)
2 like 0 dislike
I think it's called Nazism.
by Experienced (7.5k points)
1 like 0 dislike
Who exactly do you consider to be the trash of the earth?
by Active (2.7k points)
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shhh dont ask the mask might fall
1 like 0 dislike
you need to get your head treated, dude. You are not adequate.
by Upcomer (538 points)
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cleanse this world of yourself, motherfucker
by Active (2.5k points)
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can't agree with the reasoning you provided, but in a sense, one could say they are necessary due to the degree of disagreement the two parties are in for their respective beliefs.
by Active (1.2k points)
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you're crazy if you say that. I would have looked at you when the militants entered your house
by Newbie (314 points)
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this doesn't make any sense. This is the path to the decline and destruction of humanity. Hitler tried it.
by Newbie (424 points)
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I think you might be right but for the wrong reasons.
by Master (35.2k points)