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7 like 0 dislike

Bonus draw 13/12. Number of gifts: 2 Gift: 1500 points


1. 1malec11

2. N3SCR0W

3. Zipper69

4. DonPedro

5. Gat5467


7. Sausageman

8. MadisonV

9. Luna

10. dvdsax

11. ScamChecker

13. FyWoop

14. RaPid

15. Synis

16. sexmachine

17. gyruscite

18. RudolpfPico

19. AntiScam

20. LadyNight

21. mousesrc

22. xchxcent


Winner 1: FyWoop
Winner 2: AntiScam

in Weekly Bonus Draw by Official (102k points)

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2 Answers

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How is the winner determined?
by Active (2.4k points)
1 like 0 dislike
Why am I not on the list? How can I also get a prize?
by Experienced (7.3k points)
0 0
You have to be on that hit parade u there (1-22), if you are not one of the 22 on that list you don't compete. Your ranking is 23 so almost.