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There was a leak of information that I saw in the documents. The source is not official, but very reliable.
In the near future, a nuclear explosion will be carried out in Ukraine, this will be done by a British sabotage group.
Then everyone will blame Russia for what happened and strike back at the Rostov region.
Is there a safe place on earth?
How to escape from a nuclear apocalypse?
in Politics, wars, problems by Newbie (314 points)

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15 Answers

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I highly doubt it. If the source is legit then it's picking up on fearmongering propaganda, not an actual attack that will actually take place.

Conventional warfare is obsolete. Has been for decades. When 4 guys and a radio can call down precision strikes then there's no use for tanks. When any Joe with a camera can record a soldier and get their entire country to back out, then why send soldiers? All actual war is conducted behind the scenes by grey men, and it's not in the news because they don't want public opinion involved.

The conflict in Ukraine cannot exist without being propped up by all the sharks using it to profit. It's a racket. It will go on as long as there's money to be made, and no one will blow up their own racket with something like a nuke.

Unless there's an angle I'm missing... WW3 could make alot of money.
by Guest (109 points)
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I'll believe it when I see it.

I doubt there will be a world-wide-nuclear response even if a nuke blows in Ukraine.
Most likely a military response but not a nuclear one.
by Newbie (155 points)
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Kursk is just the beginning, the fucking Muscovites will answer for everything
by Newbie (422 points)
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by Master (35.2k points)
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Well given that the only reason the Ukrainians are still mounting some semblance of offensive, is the fucktons of western aid and still their NATO trained military is in total disarray of, and it's not going to last much longer. The only way they have to get more assistance is if they manage to escalate further via some kind of staged nuke attack with the help of the west, and immediately pin it on the Ziggers. It all seems very plausible at this point. The incursion into Kursk doesn't make any sense from a military tactical standpoint, it's just posturing for the western normie audiences. Now that their resources are dwindling and the meatgrinder is running out of meat, the last ditch stratagem is some kind of false flag as a pretext to draw in all of NATO.
by Master (35.2k points)